Saturday, November 10, 2007

what you can do pt.2

Write Letters to the Editor. Call in to Talk Shows.

Find the contact information on-line or in the paper itself. These letters reach 10,000s or more who may otherwise not know about Bush's abuses. Be brief and to the point. Summarize the arguments on this site or use your own words. Keep writing. Don't get discouraged. Don't stop once you get one printed. Call even right wing shows. Not all their listeners are right wingers. Get the truth out there. It's fun and important.

Tell Friends and Relatives about Bush's Abuses.

Patriotism means standing up for America against the Bush Occupation, and patriotism begins at home. This is not always comfortable, but so what? Isn't America worth it? We all have friends and relatives who support Bush, or don't vote, or think there is no "real" difference between the parties. Many Americans remain apathetic and apolitical, or think Bush might be OK. Make sure people around you know Bush is not OK. He is unacceptable. Convince them we must remove Bush from office. Now.

What Do You Say?

Inform Yourself about Impeachment Issues

Then tell your friends and relatives, your elected officials and everyone else. Something extraordinary is going wrong in America. GW Bush is not really a conservative. He is the front man for ruthless, radical, ambitious people known as "Neo-Cons."

Bush and his insiders are playing us for saps with their Neo-Con Game. That includes traditional Republicans who support Bush, even though he doesn't support them. Loyal Republicans who keep voting for the party their parents voted are deluding themselves if they think Bush and the Neo-Cons return that loyalty. The Neo-cons are not in touch with regular Americans. They don't care about us or anything we hold dear.

Bush Wrecked the Economy

Other than the impeachable offenses, Bush is costing us our jobs and retirement funds. Monetarist theory tells us low interest rates unleash economic growth. Keynesian theory holds that massive deficit spending promotes growth in GDP. Bush somehow managed to use both approaches and still failed to stimulate the economy.

Bush's deficits are already more than 150% larger than the previous catastrophic record levels his father had, and they're rising. Interest rates are almost as low as they can go. Job growth and the GDP should be booming. Instead, we're losing jobs and struggling despite historically low interest rates and the highest deficits ever.

Bush's policies are so out-of-line, so misguided, he's failing by any measure under any theory. And he's lying about it. We've lost a million jobs every year since Bush stole the White House. We the people must repay added $trillions in debt with interest. Bush plans to wreck the economy even more, with ever more reckless tax cuts to reward campaign contributors and special interests.

Bush Can't Keep Us Safe

No one likes Saddam Hussein, but Bush's war the and reconstruction of Iraq guarantee that the Bush Occupation will further short-change homeland security, education and other essential services. They tried to slash the Air Marshals as a cost-cutting move. It's almost as if they want another 9/11 terror attack.

Already states are going broke, cutting services - including police and other 1st responders - and raising taxes. Soon, Bush may have no choice but to inflate the currency and loot the Social Security and Medicare trust funds to dig us out of his fiscal mess. This isn't conservatism. It's worse than piracy. This is national suicide. If that's not enough information, read more:

Visibly Support the Impeachment Effort.

Buy shirts, bumper-stickers, and pins. Attend and organize rallies, carry signs and pass out leaflets. This is our country. It's up to us to take it back. Take your support to the next level. Join the Resistance at the membership level you can afford.

Your support helps us write more letters, make more phone calls, lead more discussion groups, and create new messages - all to expose and challenge the lies, crimes and abuses of the Bush Occupation.

Rather than use cheap shirts and stickers from Cafe Press, we produce and distribute these products ourselves. This helps our fund-raising and visibility efforts while keeping prices down and quality high.

Join American Activism.

We're uniting and energizing individuals, organizations, and publications to promote progress, justice, equality and democracy in the United States. We're organizing, sponsoring and supporting projects to inform voters, and reach new members, facilitate activism, and increase participation in the political process. Join by clicking here:

Unlike most on-line groups, American Activism will concentrate on off-line activities. We're not going to debate issues or candidates or exchange news articles and opinions. We're focused on practical politics. This is a serious group with an important agenda.

While we will have a lot of fun, we're very aware of how much we must accomplish in a very short time. Any groups and organizations who'd like our help designing, producing and distributing items can contact us.

Support Other Impeachment Efforts.

There are literally dozens of impeachment websites scattered over the web. Most point back to Vote to Impeach, (see below) but some are original. To date, none of the 'articles of impeachment' have been submitted by a member of the US Congress.

International Law Professor Francis A. Boyle of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign is offering his services as counsel, free of charge, to any member of the House of Representatives willing to sponsor articles of impeachment. He is experienced in this work, having undertaken it in 1991 for the late Rep. Henry B. Gonzalez (D-TX), in an effort to stop the first Persian Gulf War. It takes only one member to introduce articles of impeachment.

Francis A. Boyle's articles of impeachment range over a dozen topics, from domestic abuses of the constitution to a general critique of war as racist, based on the racial composition of the US military.

It's hard to imagine a congress person who could embrace this document as it stands, but we agree with most of it. Importantly, Professor Boyle has successfully led an anti-bush ad campaign which seeks to emulate. Please email us if you know of other impeachment efforts or documents on-line which might be of use.

Vote to Impeach is the largest, best known effort. This group placed major media ads in the past (New York Times.) The following excerpt is from the site:

Ramsey Clark, former U.S. Attorney General during the Johnson Administration has drafted articles of impeachment setting forth high crimes and misdemeanors by President Bush and other civil officers of his administration. Click here to read the Articles of Impeachment.

Mr. Clark has also prepared historical notes on the power of impeachment, for consideration in the impeachment of President Bush, Vice President Cheney, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld, and Attorney General Ashcroft.

Clark's articles of impeachment cover abuse of power and violations of international law including war crimes. There's a form to 'cast your vote', (actually to join their mailing list and add your name to an e-petition) and a link to a PDF form for collecting names and email addresses. This is a good start, but no substitute for personal action.


We support impeachment, removal from office, and criminal prosecution of people who commit crimes against our Constitution, undermine the rule of law, and assault our rights and freedoms. For all of these reasons and many other grounds too numerous to list, we demand the impeachment and punishment of George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld and all others in the Bush Occupation who have committed crimes against the American Republic.

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