Wednesday, October 31, 2007

FOX Noise channel bla bla blaaa!!!!!!

Bill O'Reilly is host of The O'Reilly Factor on the FOX Noise channel. O'Reilly poses as an objective independent news analyst with a no-spin zone. In reality, he's a biased partisan Republican with an all right-wing spin-zone.

Hosts like Bill O'Reilly give FOX news a clear right-wing bias. Read the information on this website, and in the forums, then you will know the real no spin truth about Bill O'Reilly.

Bill O'Reilly claims the factor has an equal number of liberals and conservatives who watch him. But a tv news show with an audience that is overwhelmingly conservative means the show is conservative. It would be the same as Rush Limbaugh trying to claim his audience has an equal number of conservatives and liberals. We know that would be a lie, just as it is a lie from Bill O'Reilly.

Don't just take my word for it, read this Pew media study for the real truth about the Factor viewers and the cable news shows.

Pew Research Center Media Study: This nationwide poll of 3,000 adults, finds the audience for the Factor remain overwhelmingly conservative and Republican.

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