Sunday, October 28, 2007

Bush's One-Finger Salute to Family Values

If you claim God effectively in public life, you can get away with anything. From Dick Cheney telling Leahey to go fuck himself to murdering possibly 100,000 Iraqis, your disciples will follow you unerringly as long as you're convincing.

So here he goes again, in an undoctored video giving Anne Richardson the finger. (He spread rumors about Richardson being a lesbian during the campaign, saying that your daughters would be encouraged to be lesbians in public school if she were elected and lots more charming electoral LIES...) Such a moral leader and good Christian!

I don't have any problem with giving anyone the finger, unless you get on your fucking moral high horse and pretend to be a "family values" guru and religious leader of the free world. I suppose God told Bush to flip off Richardson here, dontchathink?

check out the video

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